Friday, June 10, 2005


So i got what is referred to as a Book Meme from Xenoverse recently. i dont really know what a "meme" is, but i have a vague recollection of something called a "book," and i do enjoy answering harmless questions.

1. Total Number of Books You Have Owned:
of all the questions on this list this one has to be the most absurd, so im glad whoever came up with it got it out of the way first. if there is anyone that can remember how many books they have owned, then they probably shouldnt be involoved in the meme thingy. i only say this because if you can remember how many books you have owned it probably means you havent owned many books. so the following questions would be somewhat tedious, wouldnt they?

2. Last Book I Bought
Slaughterhouse Five - Kurt Vonnegut

3. Last Book I Read:
the aforementioned last book i bought. i would have to say i was thoroughly satisfied with this read. actually i would say it is one of the best books i have ever read. granted, i only read it two days ago and its messages still linger in my imagination but i am fairly positive that in 5 years or so, i will buy and read it again. dare i say, it was and is brilliant

4. Five Books That Mean a Lot To Me:
"The Stranger" - Albert Camus. i first read this when i was 16 years old and it it was the only book up until then that while i was reading it i was thinking to myself -this guy is saying what have been saying. maybe it was the period i was at in my life, where each moment came and passed and i was just a boy growing old inside them. maybe i was in a stage at which i realized i would never be saved; that i was me and you were you and there was nothing else to it but that. regardless, it stunned me. and a devoured the rest of Camus's books and even went ahead to explore Satre, thinking maybe i had discovered a philosophy that could define me. Satre bored me though, his prose was weak to me. his ideas meandered. he was no Camus. hows that for a book meaning something to you, i explored a philosophy after i read it. thats being affected, fo sho.

"Trainspotting" - Irvine Welsch. i have to say ive read this book more times than ive read any other. i was hipped to it by this British roommate of mine back when i was 19 or so. she told me i HAD to read it so i did. this was before the movie came out [which i was sorely disappointed in, Welsch was much netter translated on to film in The Acid House. go see it if youre a fan] so there was no Glossary in the back and i had to decode the Scottish dialect half of it is written in. this proved simple after the first few pages as the rhythm and meter of Irvine's prose just pushed me further into the story and eventually i didnt even notice the funky spellings and alien phrases. this is another book that came at a convenient time in my life as i was hungry for any and every chemical available, and in disco thats a lot. so i guess a story that was told from pretty much my exact same vantage point: being of a bunch of lowlife ravers that refuse to kick, would prove of sever interest to me. the only book ive read where the feeling of poison was accurately described.

"The Autobiography of Malcolm X" - Malcolm X. probably the most interesting autobiography ive read. actually it is definitely the most interesting autobiography ive read. from his dark days of street hustling to his glory days of revolution on to the complete fruition of his intelligence and his shady demise. the book doesnt get all into the conspiracy of just who shot Malcolm, alluding the murderers might have been from the Nation and leaving out and government involvment. but still its an awe inspiring book. one that cements Malcolms legend amongst great black figures of this country [fred hampton and langston hughes for instance, never really got that literary stamp on their life, at least not a pop one].

"One Hundred Years of Solitude" - Gabriel Garcia Marquez. this was the book that twisted any other prose i had read up to that point on its ear. the breadth and scope of this novel, and the precise lyricism floored me. Marquez goes through 3 or 4 generations, and sums up some entire lives in one paragraph. all sprinkled with a little magic. easily one of the best books ever written.

"Going To Meet The Man" - James Baldwin. ok, this is just a collection of short stories, but each of them could take a fat chunky shit on most of the novels written in the 20th century. its got Sonny's Blues and the title story which alone can make you bleed.

Honorable Mentions:
Money - Martin Amis
The Tetherballs of Boganville - Mark Leyner
A Scanner Darkly - Philip K. Dick
Subterranean Blues - Jack Keroac
Tales of Ordinary Madness - Charles Bukowski

5. Four (or Five) Folks I’m Laying this on:

i know no one is gonna do this. at least no one i know who blogs. and then thats only about 4 people. if anyone WANTS to get tagged with this get at me. that means you Fresh, Zaida, and Sam.


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