Monday, January 21, 2008

the giants win the pennant!

I’ve got a lot to write about but I don’t feel like writing about it just now. I guess that makes what I'm writing a bit of nonsense. A bunch of something that aint really nothing. Oh well, I can live with that.

The Giants won the NFC championship tonight. It was pretty dramatic at the bar. A dozen hands smacked down on the wood. Drinks spilled in jerks of frustration. Loud swears and high fives. Elbows swung in grief. Palms went up in celebration. Heads shook when it was all over. God damn I can’t believe they won. Can you believe that shit? The fucking Giants are in the super bowl. Laughing. Fingers circle in the air for another round of shots. Holy shit. They fucking won.

It was in negative 2 degrees Fahrenheit. The wind chill was at negative 23. Green Bay, Wisconsin. Lambeau Field. The Packers home field. All this in January. Those are tough conditions.

Plus, the Giants, although being a good team, had proven to be mostly fuck ups throughout the year. At least that’s how I saw them. The quarterback wasn’t maturing fast enough. He still made too many mistakes. Haunted by the long shadows of his brother and father. The running was acceptable but the coaching was questionable. The team had talent, but wasn’t a unit. It never cliqued. They just weren’t a solid squad.

But they made the playoffs. That wasn’t saying much because their conference was weak. Still though, they made it.

And they beat Tampa, which, although not a great team, were a strong team. And they beat them at their home field. Then they went to Dallas and beat them. That was huge because Dallas was considered the best team in the conference. Then they went to Green Bay to face the packers. Brett Farve’s land.

And they fucking beat them.

Growing up in San Francisco, it was, and still is, the 49ers that are my home team. But for some reason I admired the scrappy Giants all season, and sympathized with the pressure Eli Manning, the young quarterback, had to go through. Of course I’d be much happier were the ‘9ers the ones that had gone this far, but in the long run, I don’t think I care that much either way.

Still though… Fucking hell. The New York Giants are in the Super Bowl.


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