im back bitches
im back in new york and new york is back in me. there are still bits of san francisco that linger though. i will never truly shake that city. no matter what, ill never be free of it. san francisco is just inside of me. even new york, in all its brawling glory, can not fill in the holes that have been dug by the city near the bay.
and why should it really? this trip to san francisco was strange. bitter sweet. but if nothing else it was real. not just a slip of imagination, a boxed in fantasy that was brutally fleeting. no, this time san francisco had grown with me. i saw the scars of age in its beautiful face. the creases beneath its eye. san francisco was still the same, but this time it was older.
i will not go into it just yet. like i said, new york city calls. i am back in the saddle and the horse is at full speed. but there is a lot to say about my trip to san francisco. about the hills and valleys. the ups and downs. maybe tomorrow the words will come easier. or the next day. or the next.
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