Tuesday, September 27, 2005

another drug post [in the form of a P.S.A.]

-in actuality, there isnt just one particular incident that signals the graduation from recreation to addiction. nope. usually there are two events that indicate your advancement in stage. and after you reach that second level, its a long way back to the first. so in doing my duty as a citizen, and looking out for my fellow brother, i will mark the tracks that make up the road of dependance. i'll even break it down by drug. consider this a p.s.a. for you know, nothing at all very valuable.

alcohol: the first sign is that you cant remember the last time you went a day without having a drink [this is usually the first sign of addiction, so get used to that phrase]. the second sign is when you cant go to sleep unless you are sort of drunk.

weed: the first sign is that you cant remember the last day you didnt burn some trees. the second sign is when you and a friend are talking about something that that they say happened two days ago but you swear up and down that had to happen at LEAST a month ago.

speed: the first sign is when you have stayed up for longer than one night. the second sign is when you cant remember the last time you went to sleep [yet are still trolling the internet in search for the "perfect clip"] .

cocaine: the first sign is when you cant remember the last day you didnt do a line at some point. the second sign is when you keep on doing lines after you realize the first sign.

heroin: the first sign is when you actually feel good doing it. the second sign is when you feel bad if you dont do it.

acid and ecstasy: if you have a first sign then that is enough for you and you need to lay down and drink some water lil guy.

crack: the first sign is you're smoking crack. the second sign is YOU'RE SMOKING CRACK!

painkillers [vicodin, percoset, oxycotton, etc.]: the first sign is you cant remember the last day you didnt pop a pill. the second sign is when you cant remember the last time you took a shit. [the elusive third sign is when you simultaneously become addicted to laxatives].

xanax: the first sign is when you wake up one morning, sad about everything, realize your life is in upheaval, and take a pill. the second sign is not remembering why you were so sad in the first place and taking another pill.

and that is about all i can consider myself expert on. this post was brought to you by my last spliff, my empty wallet, and the dread of tomorrow. thank you, and good day.

and a special shout out to amelia for her birthday [belated as it may be]. and a shout out to sam in rememberance of his site [a moment of silence please]. and a shout out to zaida just because [keep killing it like kane homie].


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