Monday, February 11, 2008

fettuccini bukkake

You know what I don’t get? Sploshing. What the fuck is up with that shit?

Well, technically, its not really shit. And we can all be thankful for that. But it is people covering them selves in food and, from what I understand, then having sex. And food, like shit, can be gooey and chunky and sometimes creamy and even worse, noodily. When you put this in a sexual circumstance… well, I don’t get it.

I'm not implying its wrong. I mean, you know, some of my best friends are sploshers.

I'm just saying: I don’t get it. I mean, I like food. Hells yeah. Set me up with something, most anything, involving cheese or bacon and I'm game. Where’s my fork? But, if I'm naked and thirsty and hoping to touch some skin, I don’t want to be looking at a fettuccini bukakke. That’s just me. I'm prudish that way.

Sure, I got my kinks. We all do. Some of ours are just less adventurous than others. And maybe sometimes more hygienic. Be that as it may, I got my own, and those are what concern me.

And who’s to say, maybe if I tried it, I’d like it? Haha. Nah. I wouldn’t.


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